Carmilla Love

Author Information

Edge of Elysium

A new god is born on Olympos, but his powers are unruly and unsightly. After being thrown to Tartaros, Aevokos most find his way back to the surface

Iron and SIlk

A retelling consisting of varying myths in regard to Aphrodite, Ares, and their love story. From the establishment of Olympos to the Odyssey,

Mother, Maiden

A retelling of the hymn to Demeter following the story of Persephone's capture, and her mother's grief. With added focus on female relationships in the mythos.

The Antichrist is a Lawyer in the City of Angels.

Luci lives as a lawyer in LA, but his strange sense of justice and theatrical ways have gotten his father's attention. Now, he finds himself in a custody battle with God, for custody of himself.

Art Credits

Edge of Elysium - Roberto Ferri
Iron and Silk - William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Maiden, Mother - Jenő Gyárfás
ALCA - Mark Fisherman
Background - Artemisia Gentileschi